Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring Cleaning~ A Peek into My Creative Space

The sun is shining. The grass is turning green.
And it has put me in the mood for Spring cleaning.

I'm starting where it's the messiest~ my art studio.
Of course.

Wow~ does it get messy in here quickly!

Since I've (kinda sorta) got some order in here for a while (today)
why don't I give you a little tour.

I just LOVE the mornings in here when they light filters in.
So calming and peaceful.

This is the spot where I keep my favorite art books.
So inspiring.

Not only is it our art studio....
it is also our music room.

One of my favorite things in the world 
is listening to my family play music.

Bottled rainbow
Yes, please.

and rainbows in pencil form too

Found this little paper hiding under some things on the table.
Good advice, little piece of paper.
Thank you.

3 little birds sat in my window.
And they told me I don't need to worry.

It cracks me up when my cat jumps into the window
to attack my wooden birdies.
When we he ever learn?

I made these wings in a Brave Girl class.

Do you listen to the Avett Brother's music?
 I LOVE them.

Every nook and cranny is filled.
It's a happy kind of clutter.

Some paintings waiting to go to the art show.

I play a little tambourine from time to time.

Art aprons.... 
waiting for their chance to get messy.

Some sweet advice from Kelly Rae

Washi tape addiction.

Choose Joy.
Every day.

The art table...
all clear and ready for a project.

Thanks for stopping by.
I loved having you here!

Enjoy the rest of your day




  1. What a fun little glimpse into your studio space. I love it. So much inspiration and eye candy.

    1. Thank you!
      I'm so glad you stopped by today.

  2. Just the best ! Music and Art all together ! Just like my house !

  3. Wow! What a glorious space. Thank you for the tour!!

    1. Thank you, Carla~
      I'm so glad you stopped by!

  4. Great job on your blog Chasity! So many wonderful things to look at. I love the tips on the traveling art supplies! ( Im a big T.J.Maxx fan too!) I really love you srt table, it looks inviting, well used, and like a pie e of art itself!

    1. Thank you SO much, Gretchen!
      (Aren't TJ Maxx and Marshalls THE best?!?)

      I love my art table too~
      It was a gift from my sister in law.
      Awesome, eh?

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  7. Wow! What an amazing space, Chasity. Thank you for the tour. I not only see the art and music in the room but the joy and love that fills it too.

    1. Thank you, Paige.
      You say the sweetest things!!

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